Mouse Controlling Tips
In Kathmandu, effective mouse controlling tips start with maintaining cleanliness and sealing potential entry points. Ensuring that food is stored in airtight containers and cleaning up crumbs and spills promptly will reduce mice’s attraction. It is also essential to regularly dispose of garbage in sealed bins and avoid leaving food scraps in open areas. For […]
Mouse and Rat Problem in Corporate Houses
The prime location of Kathmandu and Lalitpur area is covered with corporates houses and these corporates houses are full of mouse and rat and other pest. The mouse problem in corporate houses are massive. In every corporate houses because of mouse problem many troubles and obstacles happen in daily basis. Mouse and rat problem in […]
Rodent Control in Kathmandu
Rodent Control in Kathmandu has now become the most difficult task. Because of building structure and over population, rodents have get easy access to food and shelter. Rodent Control in Kathmandu should perform massively because, because of congested building structure and improper hygiene, many human health and businesses are facing huge problem and loss. For […]
Dengue Mosquitoes control in Kathmandu Nepal
From last four years the problem of dengue mosquitoes are increasing in Kathmandu. Because of unmanaged town planning, the dengue mosquitoes control in kathmandu has become near to impossible. Dengue mosquitoes control in kathmandu should be placed in priority and should take precautions on time. With changing on climate, the habitat of dengue mosquitoes keep […]
Termite Affects on value of building?
Termite Affect on value of building Termites affect on value of building. We cannot believe that a tiny ants shaped insects literally affects on the value of building. Termites, a kind of insect lives under the soil level affects on the value of your house. From its appearance we may wonder “how such tiny insects […]
Dengue Control
Dengue Alert Cases of Dengue Fever in Nepal is spreading rapidly which witness from the news updated from Annpurna Post: We, Orange Ball Pvt. Ltd. pest control company, as being a part of Pest Control and Sanitation industry’s member, we would like to request you to wear full slip of clothes, remove stagnant water, check […]
Cockroaches Problem in Kathmandu City of Nepal
Cockroaches Problem in Kathmandu City of Nepal Cockroaches have been the major problems in Kathmandu city of Nepal. The cockroaches problem in Kathmandu City is rising day by day but the many individuals and corporate house are still searching for cockroaches problem solution. Nowadays everything has been chemicalized do households Cockraoches control remedy may not […]
Bed Bug Control in Kathmandu, Nepal
Bed Bug Control in Kathmandu, Nepal Bed bugs control in Kathmandu is very difficult task to do. The clustered compact of buildings leaves no space to get sunlight inside the houses of Kathmandu and Lalitpur valley. Bed bugs are travelling pest; they easily get transmit from one thing to another which leads bed bugs control […]
Dengue Fever Cases in Kathmandu, Nepal
Dengue Fever Cases in Kathmandu, Nepal Dengue fever cases in Kathmandu, Nepal started from 2004 and after that dengue fever cases is gradually reported in Nepal. In 2022, Nepal has experienced its worst outbreak of dengue fever cases in Kathmandu in recorded history after 2019. The dengue fever cases in Kathmandu (Bagmati Province) was highest […]
Only 1 Powerful Method for Dengue Mosquitoes Control in Kathmandu, Nepal
Dengue mosquitoes body structure looks like white and black strives with small elongated body. Dengue mosquito’s eradication is impossible so controlling dengue mosquito is the only solution. The only 1 powerful method for dengue mosquitoes control is awareness program and killing habitat of dengue mosquitoes. Last year, when the problem of dengue fever was not […]